Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I bought a camera when I got back from Guatemala because I was ticked I only brought a little digital camera down there and then I moved to Utah.  Found myself extremely bored and decided to take up a little bit of photography.  I took pictures of the Salt Lake temple and thought it would be a fun project to take pictures of as many temples as I can.  I would like to do all of the temples in Utah for sure and maybe one day ALL of them!


  1. cute photos of that temple..
    THANKS for the shout out for teaching you how to edit and letting you download my photoshop! humphf!

  2. SORRY! it totally skipped my mind! k next one i do ill let the world of two people who know about my blog know! haha love you chelsea!

  3. start commenting on other people's blogs and they will know you have one and comment back on yours.

  4. i didnt know you started a blog! i love these temple pics! i have such talented kids!
